You want to get fit and strong,

to feel better inside and out,

to be an active mum,

but FIRST,

you need to overcome the barriers.

Apply now to join: REVIVE

Boost your self-esteem, and REVIVE your fitness as a busy mum, in just 14 days.

Overcome the challenges of no time, worrisome symptoms, and uncertainty on what is best for your body, right now, to pursue the fitness activities you love.

REVIVE combines a deep-dive consultation of where you are now, with a personalised fitness programme for your lifestyle and goals, expert 1-to-1 coaching, and the accountability you seek.

A coach in your pocket, every step of the way, for 14 consecutive days.

You will regain the confidence you seek in your body, your abilities, and reignite a passion for fitness - to embark on a healthy, happy and active life with your family.

You will put an end to your fear of 'doing it wrong', of putting off exercise until another day, and of feeling tired, achy, and broken.

You are SO much more capable that you realise.

Feel great in just 14 days,

when you shift the focus to YOU.


"I feel connected to my body, physically strong and like I'm on a clear path to attain my fitness goals. Louise has been extremely responsive throughout and has provided excellent guidance whenever I've needed it. I highly recommend her!" Isabelle


"Working with Louise was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I can't thank Louise enough for everything she has done for me. She has been the best support physically and mentally, she's transformed a delicate postpartum body into one I'm so proud of" Bryony


"I was struggling with confidence and concern I'd do something wrong. Louise gave me confidence that I could do more with my body than I thought. With a structured set of workouts, I felt fully supported, and progressed much more quickly than I would have done without Louise" Lucie

This is for you if...

  • You want to get started with exercise postpartum, but don't know how

  • You want to stop leaking with exercise, without relying on pads

  • You want to rehab a diastasis and build core strength, without fear of making it worse

  • You want to improve prolapse symptoms, without stopping activities you enjoy

  • You want to return to running, without symptoms, injury or setbacks

  • You want to play with the kids - to chase, jump, give piggybacks, without fearing damage to your body or triggering symptoms

  • You want to get into a consistent exercise routine, without the busyness of life stopping you

  • You want to kickstart healthy habits, without giving up everything you love

  • You want to feel fitter, stronger and more energised, without being overwhelmed by the journey ahead

  • You want to REVIVE your life!


I see you.

You are feeling lost and confused.

You used to consider yourself reasonably fit, strong, and active.

But now you've had kids.

Your body feels different.

Your priorities are different.

You don't have time anymore.

Even if you did, you don't know where to start.

There are symptoms bothering you;

frustrating you.

You think, if only I could get over this first hurdle?

This block between where you are now, and your fitness progressing.

Just make a start.

To build up your confidence.

To recognise what you can do.

To feel the buzz and excitement for your potential ahead.

Your dreams of being an active mum start to become reality.

And you are off!!

REVIVE is designed for you.

The solution you have been waiting for to revive your fitness journey, as you lift the barriers in your way, progress forwards, and boost your self-esteem.

What can you expect inside REVIVE:

  • CLARITY - Deep dive questionnaire to assess where you are now, identify your barriers, and determine your goals

  • CONSULTATION - A 60 minute 1-to-1 session with Louise to ascertain your start point, and determine a realistic and achievable plan of action

  • COACHING - Your personalised 14 day fitness and nutrition programme with direct messaging, support, and accountability, via a dedicated coaching app

  • CONFIDENCE - Feel educated and empowered with "how" to navigate and overcome your personal barrier(s), to boost confidence in your body's abilities and create the sustainable change you seek

  • CHECK-INS - A comprehensive check-in after 7 days to keep you on track and moving forwards, and a 15 minute review call at the end of the 14 days to discuss your ongoing fitness journey

All for an investment of just £169

REVIVE helps you overcome the barrier(s) stopping you live life to the full.


Meet Your Coach

Hi, I'm Louise, married and mum to two energetic boys (aged 5 and 7) living in Sussex.

A qualified fitness coach, with a focus on pelvic health, postpartum recovery, resistance training, return to running and nutrition coaching.

I know firsthand how challenging it is to return to an active life after kids - my own mumhood fitness journey was not without it's setbacks, but I have come to learn 'knowledge is power'.

I'm here to help you realise your true potential.

To lift the barriers (perceived and real) standing in your way.

And to help you make the change you seek.

I'm passionate about ensuring mums get to live the active life they envisage to regain a sense of self.

I will empower you with fitness, wellbeing and nutrition knowledge, to give you autonomy to make the decisions for your health, to support your personal goals.

Results come from the why and the how, not the what, you do.

You have the answers within you to make the sustainable life long positive changes you seek.

I know you are more capable than you give yourself credit for.

I'm here to guide you accordingly.

You'll find me keeping active by strength training in my kitchen, heading out for runs, hitting the trails on my mountain bike, playing football with my boys (the 7 year old is already better than me) and eagerly awaiting the next ski trip!

I can't wait to help you in REVIVE.

Your Coach, Louise x

Do you have any questions before you apply?



IG @louisecornishfitness